My fiancé and I loved our Transformed in Love experience. We learned so much about each other, about a faithful marriage, and about growing together in holiness. Ultimately, we feel prepared for the Sacrament of Marriage in a way that we didn’t expect before.
Begin Discipleship at Home
Raising children to be disciples is the most important work that parents will do. They must guide their children as they build their spiritual foundation.
Be Transformed in Love
God designed marriage to be a reflection of His love for humanity. In marriage, couples get to participate in God’s absolute love.
Engage Your Parishioners
Amid the challenges facing today’s society, parish leaders need to help their parishioners answer the call to discipleship and become actively involved in evangelization.
Create a Culture of Discipleship
God has a mission for each of us. By centering our lives in Christ, we will lead others to hear and follow their own call.
I do think that the structure of Project Nazareth is a great approach for teaching and learning about our Faith. My daughter (3d grade) and I have really gotten a lot out of the program this year. I hope that we can continue this next year and beyond.
Transformed in Love has been a tremendous service to engaged couples in their proximate preparation for their Sacramental marriage. The faithfulness of the Catholic Teachings, the gifted faith-filled instructors, and the sincerely welcoming environment makes these days so enriching for these couples.
The Catholic Church is called to do many things, but our primary task is to evangelize. These programs provide a framework and tools to become better disciples and lead others in their journey of discipleship.
The Ascension Discipleship Pathway would not have coalesced without the expertise and thoughtful insight of the Faith Formation & Missionary Discipleship team. Over the course of three sessions, Patrick Krisak worked with us to crystalize the components of our discipleship pathway, moderated our discussions to keep us on task, and continually offered helpful feedback after each draft was compiled.
I’m a few weeks into Project Nazareth with my kids and I’m really liking it. My six-year-old in particular is really responsive to the questions for young kids.
The Forming Disciples in Mission workshop offers the formation needed to help commissioned disciples become missionary disciples – Catholics who receive Jesus in the Eucharist and go out and share the faith with others.
As I am embarking on my third collaborative process, I’m grateful for the support and skill that the team has given me and the teams I’ve worked with. In addition to assisting the collaborative teams with the know-how of walking through the process, I have experienced support and encouragement from the team in the unique role I serve a pastor in this changing, challenging environment.
We went into Transformed in Love looking to learn more about each other and the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage, and we came out enriched, enlightened, and totally excited to be husband and wife.
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Generation Alpha and Differences between Middle and High School Youth
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