NEW – Prayer Guide

The Project Nazareth Prayer Guide is a simple and beautiful resource to help families pray together anytime, anywhere. Not sure what to pray, pick up the guide. Not sure you have the time, let us show you how quick and easy it can be. Prayers range from the most common prayers to prayers of the saints, litanies, the Rosary, and prayers throughout the day. $3.95 for Boston Archdiocesan parishes. Discount will apply at checkout.

Bulk Pricing – If any customer orders a minimum of 50 Prayer Guides, they will receive $1.95 off per book at checkout when they enter the coupon – HOLYFAMILY.


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The Project Nazareth Prayer Guide helps families pray together. There are numerous prayers to help your family grow closer to Jesus. These prayers can be used in a variety of ways, such as when you are gathered at the dinner table, riding in the car, or headed off to bed. This guide makes a great gift to a parent having a baby, baptizing the child or to all the parents in faith formation. Comes with a link to the video, “It’s Not Always Easy to Pray.” Available in English and Spanish. Remember – “The family that prayers together, stays together.” Venerable Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.

Bulk Pricing – If any customer orders a minimum of 50 Prayer Guides, they will receive $1.95 off per book at checkout when they enter the coupon – HOLYFAMILY.

43 pages | 5.5 x 8.5 inches | Perfect Bound

LanguageEnglish, Spanish


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