
Forming Leaders for Mission 4/30/22

St. Mary of the Nativity Parish Scituate 1 Kent Street, Scituate, MA, United States

This workshop is designed to support you in discerning and developing your particular call to lead within your family, neighborhood, workplace, and parish life. This workshop is free to attend if you are a member of the Archdiocese of Boston. If you are outside the Archdiocese, the cost is $25. Lunch included.

Many Gifts, One Spirit: Discerning Your Charisms for Missionary Discipleship

St Anthony Church Hall - Cambridge 400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States

One way the Holy Spirit builds up the Body of Christ is through charisms, or special graces, that equip us to live out our discipleship and mission. What a gift! Join us for a prayerful workshop during which we’ll learn more about individual charisms and the importance of discerning and exercising our charisms.


Developing a Roadmap for Mission: Goal Setting Weekend

Pastoral Center Braintree 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, MA, United States

Do you want your parish or other faith community to be intentionally positioned for the work of evangelization and to form disciples? If so, please consider inviting a team of disciples (led by your pastor/leader) to take time away to prayerfully discern a pastoral plan for your community. At this two-day (not overnight) intensive session,...


Evangelization Panel

Pastoral Center Braintree 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, MA, United States

Disciples are being formed and sent within our archdiocese. Evangelization does work! United as one team on mission, let's come together and learn from one another. Pastors, clergy, faith formation and ministry leaders, and individual disciples are invited to join us as we host a panel discussion on evangelization. Panelists will include leaders of local...


National Eucharistic Congress

The National Eucharistic Congress will be held July 17-21, 2024 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Join approximately 50,000 Catholics from around the country for this great experience. Get ready for world-class teaching, powerful worship, joy-filled fellowship, and practical guidance for sharing the love of Jesus in your community when you return home.


Mass of Thanksgiving and Gathering of Pilgrims from the Eucharistic Congress

Pastoral Center Braintree 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, MA, United States

You are invited to join Bishop Mark O'Connell, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Boston, and fellow pilgrims, for a Mass of Thanksgiving for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress.   Following the Mass, we will have the opportunity to gather, reflect and share how we encountered Jesus during this graced moment in the life of the...
