Multicultural Communities
The Archdiocese of Boston is home to many cultural groups and communities.
The Archdiocese of Boston is home to many cultural groups and communities.
Oscar Pratt (Pastor)
Phone: (617) 445-8915
Rashaun Martin (Community Contact)
MLK Prayer Breakfast (January)
Black History Month Mass (February)
Fr. Raphael Calvara Pinto
Sr. Liria Grade FSP
Brazilian Apostolate
Festa Junina (June/July)
Fiest of Our Lady Aparecida (October)
St. Anthony, Allston/Brighton
St. Anthony, Cambridge
Madonna Queen of the Universe National Shrine, East Boston
St. Anthony, Everett
St. Tarcisius, Framingham
St. John the Baptist, Haverhill
St. Michael, Hudson
Holy Family, Lowell
Immaculate Conception, Marlborough
St. Bridget, Maynard
St. Thomas the Apostle, Peabody
St. Mary, Plymouth
Immaculate Conception, Revere
Holy Family Church, Rockland
Immaculate Conception, Stoughton
St. Charles Borromeo, Woburn
St. Anthony, Somerville
Fr. Joaquim Furtado Garcia (Brockton)
Phone: 508-586-4715 x303
Fr. Claudino Viera, OFM Cap (Dorchester)
Phone: (617) 516-3604
Fr. Antonio Fidalgo, OFM Cap (Dorchester)
Phone: (617) 359-8061
Facebook Brockton
Facebook Roxbury
Our Lady of Fatima (May)
Fiest of St. John (June)
St. Patrick, Roxbury (Dorchester Collaborative)
St. Peter Parish, Dorchester (Dorchester Collaborative)
St. Edith Stein (Brockton Tri-Parish Collaborative)
Deacon Sermed Ashkouri
Facebook Immaculate Conception
Feast of the Holy Cross
Fr. Joseph Zhang
Phone: (617) 455-8182
Boston Chinese Catholic Community
Chinese Lunar New Year (Late January/Early February)
Fr. Sani
Filipino Apostolate of Boston Facebook
Simbang Gabi (December)
Rev. Girmay Wolde
Fr. Garcia Breneville
Phone: (617) 298 – 0080
Feast of Mary, Mother of God, Independence Day for Haiti (January)
Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help (June)
Pilgrimage to National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette (September)
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Dorchester Mattapan
Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Boston
St. Anne, Somerville (St. Louis and Zelie Martin Parish)
St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge
Immaculate Conception, Everett
Christ the King, (Brockton Tri-parish Collaborative)
Our Lady of Grace, Chelsea Everett (Morning Star Collaborative)
St. Mary, Lynn
Madaraka Day (June)
Jamhuri Day (December)
St. Robert Bellarmine Church, Andover
Immaculate Conception Church, Malden
Sacred Heart Church, Quincy (part of the Divine Mercy Collaborative)
Fr. Chris Bae
Phone: (617) 558-2711
Aldona Lingertat
Daiva Navickas
Phone: (617) 268-0353
Harvest Festival (November)
Facebook South Boston
Facebook Salem
YouTube Salem
Easter Celebration (April)
Boston’s Polish Harvest Festival (September)
Our Lady of Czestochowa, South Boston
Shrine of Divine Mercy, Salem
Holy Trinity, Lowell
St. Anthony, Cambridge
St. Anthony, Lowell
St. Michael, Hudson
The Feast of the Ugandan Martyrs (June)
Fr. Linh Nguyen
Tết Nguyên Đán Vietnamese New Year (late January or early February)
St. Ambrose, Dorchester
Immaculate Conception, Everett
St. James/St. John, Haverhill
Saint Patrick Parish, Lawrence
Saint Patrick Parish, Lowell
Blessed Andrew Phu Yen, Medford
St. Bernadette, Randolph
Do you have questions about a community? Or would you like to update information about a community?